Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Film trailer analysis

The Great Wall Trailer (2017) Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSlv41rf9fI
In the trailer of the great wall they use a range of camera shots/angles,these include:
  • Establishing shot that pans over the mountains.
  • Medium shot of a main character. This introduces him to the audience.
  • Low angle makes enemy look superior. 
  • Close up for effect, makes his expression more obvious.
  • High angle makes the character look as though he is getting further away as he jumps off a cliff.
  • Extreme long-shot shows army running at the enemy.
Guardians Trailer (2017) Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH_D8COMbhc
In the trailer of Guardians there is a range of camera shots/angles,these include:
  • Establishing shot of the character and where it is set.
  • Close-up shows emotion.
  • Extreme long-shot of character approaching.
  • Medium shot that shows enemy approaching 'Guardian', this creates a dramatic effect.
  • Longshot of building burning leads to a panic effect.
  • Extreme close-up of helicopter that has been shot.

Poster 1 (Last Stand of the Wreckers) - Sci-Fi, It is a film for younger kids, would tend to come out in the summer when kids aren't at school. For example, Transformers. This poster shows that the film has a lot of action and it looks very entertaining.

Poster 2 (The angel experiment Maximum Ride) - Sci-Fi, It is a film for aimed at most ages, it would come around christmas. For Example Avengers. These posters show that this is a hero film and it includes a woman with wings.This could interest fans of certain interests like hero films.

Poster 3 (Left4Dead)- Horror, It is a film aimed at 18+, it would come out at around Halloween to maximize audience. For example Lights Out. These two posters show that these films are horrors and that the film include zombies.This would highly interest fans and generate a big audience.

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