Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Diegetic and non-diegetic sound

Diegetic sound: 
Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film:  
  • voices of characters 
  • sounds made by objects in the story 
  • music represented as coming from instruments in the story space
Diegetic sound is any sound presented as originated from source within the film's world  
Diegetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame.  
Another term for diegetic sound is actual sound  

non-diegetic sound: 
Sound whose source is neither visible or hasn't has been implied to be present in the action:  
  • narrator's commentary
  • sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect
  • mood music
Non-diegetic sound is represented as coming from the a source outside story space.  
The distinction between diegetic or non-diegetic sound depends on our understanding of the conventions of film viewing and listening.  We know of that certain sounds are represented as coming from the story world, while others are  represented as coming from outside the space of the story events.  A play with diegetic and non-diegetic conventions can be used to create ambiguity (horror), or to surprise the audience 
Another term for non-diegetic sound is commentary sound. 

digital drawing

Digital drawing reflective log

Digital drawing reflective log

When i first got the assignment and had to use photoshop i was very worried, as i wasn't very experienced when it came to photoshop. This meant that i had to get lots of practice and guidance when it came to photoshop before i did three movie posters in the style of Saul Bass. Once i got used to photoshop i had to find inspiration for what movie posters i would do to find inspiration i look at saul bass’ work and used it to inspire my work. I decided to do posters on, Titanic, E.T. and The X-Files. They way i did my posters is i start with a blank primary colour as a background. I then added shapes and lines over them to create the poster. The X-Files poster was hand drawn and digitally scanned and i then added colour to make it. The poster are very simple, but effective, very much in a Saul Bass style .

I believe i could've improved on the overall quality of the poster and given more time that would of been an option, but the principles of the style are still there.

For my observation drawings i drew three mannequins all in a different position, to do this i needed a pencil and paper, once i set the mannequin in a position i drew it. It was reasonably easy to draw the three different positions. I then had to draw and storyboard that showed a mannequin drawing doing something. So, i decided to have the mannequin wave and then walk off, this was an enjoyable objective that I believe i competed it to a high standard.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

using premiere pro

To create my clip i imported the 30 second clip from youtube to adobe premiere pro and then unlinked the original audio i then imported benny hill music of youtube and added it under the footage

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Photography Evaluation

I started of the assignment by learning camera structure, layout and controls when it comes to camera usage. When it comes to DSLR cameras we learnt about the structure basics. I learnt that the photographer can see the the subject through the mirror, and when he takes the photograph the mirror pulls up and the light travels through to a sensor. When I went out to practice taking photographs I was shown how to change the ISO and the exposure. When I first starting taking photographs the exposure was off, I then learnt the if you keep the little arrow at 0 the exposure should be perfect.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Digital Single Lens Camera + other cameras

 The basic operation of a DSLR is as  follows: for viewing purposes, the  mirror reflects the light coming  through the lens upwards at an  approximately 90 degree angle. It  is then reflected by the pentaprism  to the photographer's eye. During  exposure (when the photograph is  taken), the mirror swings upward,  and a shutter opens, allowing the  lens to project light through the  aperture onto the film / sensor.Compact camera:A point-and-shoot camera, also called a compact camera, is a still cameradesigned primarily for simple operation. Most use focus free lenses or autofocus for focusing, automatic systems for setting the exposure options, and have flash units built in.SLR (film)Image result for slr cameraA single-lens reflex camera (SLR) is a camera that typically uses a mirror and prism system that permits the photographer to view through the lens and see exactly what will be captured.

Medium format
The size of the imaging sensor comes into play in the final quality of the photo. I'd rather have a 20 megapixel medium format camera than a 30 megapixel 35mm based DSLR because the physical sensor is much larger. The larger the sensor the higher the quality.

Large format